High-quality graphics that bring this game to life in three dimensions.Classic game mode jumping over obstacles, going through loops at full speed, defeating your enemies with a remotely-controlled attack.However, to be slightly more specific, you'll be able to find all the following in this 3D platform game: The 3D version of the video game based on the most popular virtual hedgehog in the world. It comes to join the rest of titles such as Sonic Mania, Sonic Generations, Sonic and Knuckles, and others that have also been great hits on platforms such as PS3 and PS4. If you're a fan of the games featuring the most famous hedgehog in the gaming world, you don't need us to tell you much about how to play or the game's plot. In other words, speed, obstacles, and gold rings to be collected but from a three-dimensional view similar to other titles such as Temple Run or Subway Surfers. Here we'll be able to play the same format as the original game but now in 3D.

In any case, we can still enjoy their latest video games as is the case of this Sonic Dash for Android which can also be downloaded for iPhone. We all know how the fight between both companies ended, and once the rivalry in the console field disappeared, the same happened in the battle between Mario and Sonic to see which one was better.

On the one hand, we had Mario, the plumber that was born in the second half of the 80s' on a NES, and on the other, Sonic, the fast-paced blue hedgehog that became SEGA's icon by selling millions of copies of its original game for Master System and Mega Drive, and led to other games that followed the same pattern such as Zool or Jazz Jackrabbit for PC. At the beginning of the 90s' the rivalry between SEGA and Nintendo was personified as two video game characters.